Frequently asked questions about FashionTIY

What is FashionTIY?

You can find the answer of who we are, what we do, and why wholesale in FashionTIY?

pageWhat is FashionTIY

Guide for new users

User guide for new users of FashionTIY:

pageGetting Started


The terms & privacy you need to know:

pageTerms and ConditionspagePrivacy PolicypageCookie Usage Statement

FAQ of products

You can find the answer about size guide, quality of products in FashionTIY:

pageFit & Size Chart GuidepageAbout Products

Discount & Coupons

pageCoupons & Discount

FAQ of order

You can find the answer about placing order, shipping and tracking, return and refund, and duties&taxes here:

pageOrder and PaymentpageCustoms Clearance and DutiespageShipping And TrackingpageAfter-Sales Service

VIP Membership in FashionTIY

pageVIP Membership

How to Contact FashionTIY?

pageContact Us

Important statement

pageServices During COVID-19pageFashionTIY is Legit or Scam?

Last updated